Therapists Booking – Gravity Forms Appointment Booking
Simplify therapist appointment scheduling with Gravity Forms appointment booking plugin.
Manage appointments, online therapist booking, client info & more.

Booking Management
If you’re a solo therapist or running a therapy clinic with multiple staff members, this Gravity Forms appointment plugin enables you to manage clients’ bookings efficiently. You can also see booked appointments in the calendar as well as the in the list view.
Slots & Staff Availability
Clients can quickly check on the slots and staff availability and choose their required therapy service to book consultation in this Gravity Forms appointment booking plugin. Gravity Booking reduces the chances of mismanagement, and clients can book appointments at their convenience.

Services and Fees
Clients can select any ‘service category’ for an appointment from the list of services with therapist or staff member availability. The Gravity Forms Booking plugin also displays multiple payment gateway options for collecting therapy fees.
Get Started Today!
Use the Gravity Forms Booking Plugin to make therapy appointments
easy. Start reserving therapy patient slots today!