Repair & Maintenance – WordPress Booking Form Plugin
Manage repair and maintenance tasks online! Gravity Booking is a WordPress Booking
FormPlugin that allows you streamline repair and maintenance services.

Gravity Forms Booking Management
Develop and maintain a better booking management system for repair and maintenance centers using the Gravity Forms booking plugin. Provide your customers with comprehensive information about repairing services. Seamlessly provide servicemen’s availability to your users.
Slots & Staff Availability
With this online booking form plugin, customers can quickly check the slots. You can also choose staff availability and the relevant service they need to be booked for the repair task. You can monitor service and staff member-wise earnings (least to highest) using the admin dashboard.

Repairing Service Charges
Use the Gravity Forms Booking plugin to collect your repair and maintenance service charges online through a supported payment gateway (simple or recurring). In the admin panel of this booking form plugin, you can check the payment status for all bookings.
Get Started Today!
Onboard repair & maintenance customers with ease and
start reserving bookings today using the Gravity Forms Booking Plugin.